My name is Mindy and I am a certified personal trainer and
group exercise instructor. When you read
that you probably already got an image in your head what I may look like. Well she is a personal trainer; she must be
thin, lots of muscles, and very in shape.
Not necessarily. Why you
ask? I have an addiction……..It’s called
FOOOOD! And no I am not talking about
“food” like veggies and salads. I am
talking about a big ‘ol fat juicy steak or hamburger, with a side of onion
rings and finished off with a big ‘ol piece of cheesecake…………. Or any cake will
I will get on a kick; I am going to eat clean. I have many fitness friends that “eat clean”
all the time. They rave about it, “I
love clean eating!” I on the other hand
am taking a bite of my tuna with lettuce and tomato and all I can think is
“these people are complete morons! Do
they love clean eating because they have never tasted real food before?!”
It is one of the
hardest things to do. It’s a lot of
work, a lot of dedication, a lot of extra preparation time. I get tired just thinking about it. It’s great to see the results but come
Seriously one of the hardest things for me is trying to eat
healthy meals and still serve meals my whole family will eat. It just doesn’t happen. I will end up making two separate meals for
the day. I feel like a little kid being
punished for misbehaving, when I sit down to the table with a grilled chicken
salad and my family is eating a big greasy piece of pizza.
So obviously that doesn’t work well for me. The next thing I tell myself is, “well why
don’t you eat healthy meals twice a day and then just eat whatever for
dinner?!?!” It’s better than not eating
healthy at all right? WRONG!!! Well for me at least. I do so well all day and then it’s
like…………….. Give me everything that I didn’t eat all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what’s a girl to do?
Really? Be unhappy and eat rabbit
food, or get so obese that I cannot get out of my bed? Neither is an option for me. You are not going to see me on the next
episode of My 600-lb Life!!! That’s why I am constantly at the gym. Sometimes, lately, twice a day. I have come to the realization that I will
never look like Jillian Michaels or Kate Upton, but I will be the best version
of me that’s possible! If my husband
loves me like I am, and if I can love me for me, well then I am one happy
girl. These are some of the jokes at our

In all seriousness, you can’t just eat whatever you want and
be healthy. But you can also make
lifestyle changes that give you the opportunity to indulge in those foods you
like. You can eat whole grain bread
instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, turkey bacon instead
of regular bacon……….WHAT?? Ok, never
touch the bacon……….. That’s just one of those foods you eat and like it because
it’s NOT HEALTHY! So forget about it.
My favorite story is when a lady borrowed my calico bean
recipe. It has hamburger, bacon, five
kinds of beans, brown sugar, and white sugar......... you name it and it’s in
there. And it’s delicious! We arrive at her house and she says “I made
your beans, but I made them healthy, but they don’t seem to taste the same. Maybe you can try them and tell me what I did
wrong?” I had to stand there and gag
down the worst tasting beans ever, and then politely say “Some foods just taste
good because they are not healthy.
So as for me, I will enjoy the foods I want. I will not enjoy them all the time, but in
moderation. I will instruct others on
how to take care of their bodies, and I will give them information on what
their bodies need, but I will never tell them not to enjoy what they like. If you want a chocolate bar one day…… give it
to yourself. If you are at the point in
your life that you are actually worrying about it, well you probable deserve
one now and then.
So if you are struggling with your diet, I encourage
you……….. Love yourself and don’t deprive yourself. Portion control and moderation, that’s the
key. If you want that occasional glass
of wine; go for it. Stay active, go for
a walk, and go to a boot camp class (which I teach btw). There are ways to take care of yourself
without being unhappy. Check out my
website or
visit me on Facebook at
. I can give you advice on what changes you can make and still be a happy girl
(or guy). Just remember to love
yourself. It’s the only version of you
that you can have in this life. When you
learn to love yourself, you will then learn how to better yourself.
Before I am done, one more fact about bacon…………….
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