Sunday, September 13, 2015

FE+Male= Iron Man

Women are strong. Women HAVE to be. Pregnancy, childbirth, raising children, raising spouses, plucking, shaving, dying, bleaching, blow drying, straightening, high heels, crazy emotions, the list goes on. Men, what do they have to be strong for? Getting kicked in the balls?
I once heard that the definition behind the word “Woman/Women” comes from a warning to the male race. “Woah, man/men”.  A beware! Pfshhhhhh.

We know men are weaker, why do think we let them make all of the decisions? Not because we’re too weak to make them ourselves, but because we want to make sure that they’re going to be committed enough to stick to the choice. Think about it. Proposing? Why do we let the man make the decision on whether they want to be with us for the rest of their life? We don’t. We know we want to be with them otherwise we wouldn’t be. We just have to wait for them to think they’re making the choice because that way they'll be more likely to honor it. They’re like a wild animal. They need to be approached slowly or otherwise, they bolt.

They say that women are difficult to understand and that there’s no way to know what we’re thinking. False.  We are just far too superior for their little minds.
We took the time to get to know their habits, understand their fears, and nurse their wounds. Us? They haven’t stopped being wrapped up in themselves long enough yet to even begin to understand how simple we are.
I’ve come to notice something as the years have passed, my ex husband always said I never made a decision and that he always had to, but honestly, the only decision I’ve ever seen him make is that I should be the one to make the choices. Case and point, when trying to find some place to eat. He would ask me where we should go, I would usually always respond with, “I don’t care where. You know me, I love food. I can find something anywhere. Plus, I chose last time.” To which he almost always followed that up with, “No, don’t lie. I chose that time. You have to choose this time because you never make the decision.” So then I make the choice only to have this exact conversation the next time it came to choosing where to go… or pretty much any other decision in our lives.
Can I get an “amen”, ladies?

Women are considered equals, but yet we’re required to do more. We now have to be mothers, are expected to work a 40 work week, clean the house, make sure dinner is cooked at a decent time every night, that the man has clean clothes, and that we’re giving enough sex- the good kind, not just simply being there, but the “blow job every night” kind. Oh, we are also expected to keep ourselves in shape as well as have ourselves looking amazing, but not too made up (because didn’t you know, men like the ‘natural look’) every single day too.

Heaven forbid that he helped out on the weekends either. I mean, he’s “been at work all week and would just really like to enjoy the down time” probably to lounge around in his boxers, scratching his gonads and waiting for you to bring him food on top of being his beer bitch. Not paying attention to the fact that you ALSO worked all week (whether at a job or being a stay at home mom, because let’s be honest, that shits tough!). Am I right?
While a man makes more at his job that his FEMALE secretary usually does everything for him. Women are expected to work harder because we apparently have something to prove to the men, that we are able to carry our own work loads. But in turn, we end up working circles around these men. I’ll bet that when you receive a raise from your male boss for working your ARSE off, jokes are made behind your back about all of the sexual favors you had to perform to receive the promotion you DESERVED to cover the fact that they’re butt hurt about being shown up by a WOMAN!

Yup, because we SPIT in them!

So as of now, I am declaring the next few weeks #LikeAGirl over here on the Mombie!  I will be having Guest Bloggers speaking on topics ranging from exercise, breast feeding, what its like to work in a predominantly male career, etc! If you're interested in writing a guest post, please do not hesitate to let me know! - IG: TheWalkingMombiee. I cannot wait to get these next few weeks rolling!

In the mean time, Mombies....

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