Wednesday, September 23, 2015

National Basic White Girl Day!

Today marks the first day of fall for 2015 so we all now know what that means; it’s the season of Uggs, scarves, leggings/ yoga pants, sock buns and if you’re a basic white girl, ALL THINGS PUMPKIN.

When fall time comes, I've never really had a reason to decorate, I've tried, but it just never seems to work for me. Whether it be the time, lack of interest, or yeah, probably lack of interest. This year I have kids thought, so for them, I am going to play along. Do the whole thing. Decorate, costumes for Halloween, apple orchards for cider, carving of the pumpkins, roasting pumpkin seeds, etc.
But even as I'm typing this, in my head I'm thinking. ,  "Ha. Who am I kidding? I am a  burnt out single mother of 2 under 16 months. Ain't nobody got time for that." So while I'm starting off the season with high hopes, here's what will more than likely actually happen.

So all of you Fall loving basic white girls, I WILL BE LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOU. So try not to consume so much pumpkin, cause that crap is awful.

Have I actually tried most of the pumpkin flavored things? No. But that's because I can't get the idea that it all tastes like play dough out of my head. I actually can't believe how many good things they've taken and turned into basic white girl heaven!

-Pumpkin Oreos
-Pumpkin Vodka
-Pumpkin Beer
-Pumpkin Body Scrubs
-Pumpkin Pop tarts
Seriously, What's next?

You know, its bad enough that when I'm standing in line behind someone a coffee establishment, I can't understand what in the H-E- Double Hockey Sticks someone is orderings and I always feel bad for the barista. I think people who can order a coffee at those places can speak an entirely different language.
"Yes, I speak 3 languages fluently: English, Sarcasm and Starbucks."


I just think you're all confused. Case and point, I have the same argument with my sister non stop (You know who you are). She likes her coffee "black" but with a little creamer in it. THEN ITS NOT BLACK. I tease her about it relentlessly. "I like my pizza plain. But with a little pepperoni on it". Clearly she's confused and clearly I am going to die for telling this story. But the world needs to know.

Tonight, I'm leaving you with a little homework assignment, after posting a selfie with your favorite basic white girl drink to our twitter @WalkingMombiee, of course.

Don't forget to report back!

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