I've got a serious issue with Pinterest. I have an unhealthy addiction. And not in a "sit there pinning things I'm never going to make" kind of addiction. I mean it in a "THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER, I NEED TO MAKE IT NOW!!"
And then runs to the store and buys a million dollars worth of materials, digs through the garbage to collect an empty toilet paper roll that company threw out, saving an ungodly amount of aluminum cans, formula containers, glass jars, coffee cans, magazines, etc. just incase I come a crossed a craft that will require it.
Just a part of my unnatural hoarding. I have an entire bedroom full too. I'd show you, but then I would have to admit I have a problem..... and I don't.......errr...Yeah.
Seriously. I pulled a used party out of my sister's garbage last week... Tonight, I saved my chocolate wrappers because they were shiny and gold and who knows, maybe I could find a way to use them? I literally get the shakes when I have to throw something away. Its the worst. Wait, who am I kidding? I love it. Not that I really ever have time to actually make any of these crafts, but I like to tell myself that I will....You know, on that day of the week that never seems to come, the one named "One day". Plus, its nice to think of a time in the future when I might get a few moments to myself where I can put on some Norah Jones, slip into some comfy pants, grab a bottle (yes, I said a bottle) or two of wine and be able to sit down for a few hours to make all of these beautiful SIMPLE projects that I've had bouncing around in my head for months and months. But in the mean time, I'm completely satisfied with just getting myself and the babies from sun up to sun down. To me, at this point in my life, that is a major accomplishment.
Except I don't shower. Ever. But damn, do I rock the dirty hair tied up in a "mom bun", head band and 2 week old make up. Yeah, that's right. You know its sexy.
But today, D and I decided to tackle the task of creating a yarn and clothes pin picture frame. Directions are as followed.
- Picture Frame
- Yarn (color of your choice)
- Paper Clips
- Pictures
Obviously the paper clips aren't in the picture, but if you don't know what they look like, you've got bigger issues and your mother didn't give you enough chores as a child. So you should probably stop this project now. I wouldn't want you to get your dick and/or yabos (boobs, for those of you who can't catch my drift) stuck in a ceiling fan.
1.Tie the string to the base of the picture frame
2. Start wrapping the yarn around the frame with no specific order or pattern
3. This is where I handed off the project to my main man D to do his part, not quite sure what that was, but man, it looks pretty intricate and I'm sure glad to have him on my team
4. Next D and helped me pick out the best pictures to display. I think he was pretty shocked with my choices. Not too sure if that's a good or bad thing.
5. For our next step, D helped me prep the clothes pins. Some of them didn't pass the stress test. Good think I had him here to help me with the heavy lifting, otherwise I'm sure this project would have backfired and I probably would have lost a limb or two.
6. Clip the pictures of your choice onto the yarn in an arrangement that is pleasing to the eye, your eye in particular.
7. And for the final step, displaying the frame for all to see. Reserve your judgments. My picture frame collage wall is far from being finished, but here's what myself, little D, my little sister, my brother's girlfriend and my dad have constructed so far. Yes, it takes a team when you don't have a creative bone in your body, but you want a pretty house!
I'd love to see any finished products you Mombies may have!! In the comments or through my email: Wiles.Kailei@gmail.com
Next, we will tackles something a little harder. After consulting with Noah Calhoun (yes,I know that's not his name, but I like him in that role!) he gave me an idea. Stay tuned for our next "Tomfoolery Tuesday" to see the results!