Monday, January 11, 2016

That One Time I Fed My Kids Brains

As a Mombie, our kids literally suck the brains right out of us. I know that this can happen to both parents- The Moms and the Dads- but I think that we can all agree that it is something that happens most frequently to us Mombies. I mean, they do call it "pregnancy brain" and "mom brain" after all.

My kids have been eating my brains since long before they were born. The pregnancy insomnia caused me to be tired and then being tired caused me to forget. I found myself putting milk in the cabinets and cereal in the laundry room. Once, when my brother came to stay with us (I had a 5 month old and was a little over 8 weeks pregnant again) , he asked me where the bowls were. And instead of telling him, "in the dishwasher" I responded with, "noodle". 

To follow along with that, we decided to throw my son a "zombie" first birthday party. Since he hypothetically ate (and continues to eat) my brains on a daily basis, why not let him dive face first into some gooey brains on camera?

So, as a single mama of two kids 1 and under AND today being Monday, the "Mom brain" is hitting me hard or as my life and my motto go, "My brain is mush and my mush is tired". Anyway, I figured we would "celebrate" my brain farts by quite literally feeding my kids brains (again). Don't worry, I did a step by step to show you how to do it as well!

What you'll need:

-Jello (we used jolly rancher: watermelon)
-Measuring cup
-1c hot water
-3/4c cold water
-Non stick spray
-Whisk (not pictured)
-Silicone Brain molds (we found ours on amazon for $3.99+ s&h)

*Prepare jello the same way you would when making jello shots, but replace the alcohol with water*
Wheres the fun in that, right? Well, there's always the option to make these for yourself and KEEP the alcohol in the mix.... I mean, you already look and function like a Walking Mombie, why not consume your alcohol like one too? Cause let's be honest here, when the zombie apocalypse hits, any zombie that dares to eat my brain is definitely going to get a little buzzed through second hand alcohol consumption.. and if they go for my liver too.... let's just say that zombie is going to encounter a major hangover....

Step 1.
Pour the 1 cup of hot water into the pan and bring to a rolling boil

Step 2.
Add the jello to the water. Stir and continue to let Boil until all of the mix is dissolved (about 2 minutes) 

Step 3.
Add the 3/4 cup of cold water. Normal jello calls for 1 cup, but for the purpose of making jello jigglers, we need the jello to be a tad more firm, so to make sure that happens, we need to cut down on the water

Step 4.
Spray the molds with a light coat of the non stick spray to give it a little help when it comes time to removing the brains. Apparently I lost the photo to this step....

Step 5.
Pour the liquid back into the measuring cup so its easier to pour into the mold and begin filling.

Step 6.
Place in refrigerator for 4 hours or until firm (we left ours in over night)

Step 7.
We tried to follow standard jiggler rules and use a knife to loosen the edges of the jello from the molds. It didn't work. We ended up kind of massaging (for a lack of better word) the bottom of the molds, then flipped it over onto the counter and the brains fell right out.
Step 8.


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