So, obviously when it comes to my beauty, I'm no different. Before I had kids, the amount of time I spent getting ready was ridiculous. By the time I showered, let my hair air dry for a bit so that blow drying it wouldn't take an hour, blow dried, straightened and pinned up my hair. Then did my 7 layers of primer, foundation, powder and bronzer, blush, eye shadow, liner, and 15 coats of mascara... I felt like I had lost most of the day. But to be honest, I didn't do much with my day, so that fact did't matter to me. Now, I'm lucky if I'm able to brush my teeth and throw on some brown eye liner in the 2.5 seconds I can afford to dedicate to my "beauty" routine. Also, when I say "afford", I mean, that I am a severe cheap ass who CANNOT justify spending loads of money on products either. I have a hard enough time spending $6 on my drug store mascara that I only buy every couple of months.
So I have found my own tips and tricks to make drug store and dollar store make up work to my advantage!
Due to the lack of time and energy that I get to spend on myself, I have developed some pretty fool proof ways to get shiznit done. Now remember, before you say, "ewwwww", just remember, I am a single mama of two babies ages 1 and under. And while I realize that I am not the only one in this situation and that there are others who "have it worse", that doesn't change the fact that I am tired (and lazy) when it comes to taking care of me. My kids do not nap at the same time, they do not eat at the same time, they're up randomly throughout the night. My daughter has a gluten sensitivity and both of my kids are lactose intolerant. So on the rare occasion that I DO get a moment to myself, the LAST thing I want to do is dye my hair, shave my legs, pluck my eyebrows, paint my nails, etc. What I really want to do (and more times than not end up doing) is a "netflix and chill" session with a bowl of alcohol and a cup of junk food (yes, you read that correctly).
So here you have it,
The Lazy Girl's Beauty Guide 101:
1. Shaving your legs less : In the shower when you're shaving your legs they're all smooth and silky... and then you have to rise your conditioner out. Which causes goose bumps, which causes your hair to grow back... There's almost nothing worse that getting out of the shower and applying moisturizer to your freshly shaven legs just to have them be picky again. So, here's the trick: at the moment you are getting the goosebumps, shave again! I have super sensitive skin, so to shave on anything other than a well lathered leg is a guarantee that I'm going to be getting razor burn, BUT I shave my legs, then use that bubbly loofah to exfoliate my entire body. Then I start rinsing off my shoulders first, which stimulated to goosebumps AND leaves you soapy enough to still shave my legs as the suds run down your body. Boom, smooth legs that last for at least a day longer.
2. Longer time between washing your hair : I've never been one to jump on the Dry Shampoo band wagon. Mainly because I have dark hair and I hate the feeling on products in my hair. But also, I felt that it left my hair feeling dirtier than it was before I applied it. So, here's the trick: Shampoo your hair twice and condition once. The first shampoo washes off the past build up and the second one washes the existing oils out and purifies your hair, that's why the second time your hair will be sudsier. BUT when you are conditioning, only apply it about 2 inches from your scalp and down and let it sit in your hair while you shave your legs and lady bits. When you get out of the shower, give a little more care to your roots when combing your hair and try not to use your hands as much as possible. Your skin carried natural oils (also any residue from applying moisturizer) that can transfer to your hair. Same goes for the day to day, the more you play with your hair, the more oil you transfer. I can usually go about a week in between my washing by applying these techniques.
3. Styling your unwashed hair : There are a few ways that you can go about doing this. Of course the most famous and the one that we love the best is The Mombie bun! But if you're feeling a little fancier than that, you can always tease it with a front twist or tease and use a headband to push it back (I used my own hair in a braid as the headband in the picture below). Dirtier hair holds a tease better! This is my all time favorite go-to hairstyle when I want to actually do something with myself. Examples:

In both of these photos, it had been about a week since I had washed my hair!
4. Baby wipesssss : whether you have kids or not, you're missing out if you use anything other than baby wipes in your beauty routine. I use them to clean my brushes, take off my make up, wash my hands after applying makeup. Gosh, I use them for everything like cleaning my car, kids, house, bathroom, excessive make up and horribly drawn on eyebrows found on a women's face while in public......
They're cheap and gentle on your skin. There are even organic and alcohol free. Plus, they take off waterproof makeup without the struggle and do not leave the oil residue.Plus, they can do all of that without drying out your skin or breaking your lashes! I mean, we've all been there a time or two when we've forgotten that we have make up on and then this happens....
Bet you wished you had a wipe on you then!
Post To Be Continued...
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