For anyone who knows me, they know that one (of many) things that drive me CRAZY are poorly shaped brows. Seriously. Think of them this way, eyebrows are to the eyes what a push up bra is the tatas. Poor bra? You'll have saggy yabos. Poor brows? You'll have saggy eyes.
RULE#1: Eyebrows should ALWAYS have hair. ALWAYS.
Because "I love your drawn-on eyebrows, They look so natural!", has been said by no one. Ever.
Lets face it, eyebrows speak louder than words. They are SO important. Plus, they're so easy to maintain. Eyebrows are the one thing on a woman’s, nay, a person’s body that can be kept in shape without exercising.
But you have to be careful. Because as much as you want to make sure they're not too thin (the thinner the brow, the crazier the woman), you also want to make sure that they're not too thick either. But if you've got it, flaunt it. There have been some pretty famous icons who rocked their naturally thick brows:
Audrey Hepburn
Keira Knightley
Jennifer Connelly
Lily Collins
But ladies, I am here to tell you that if you don't have naturally thick brows, please PLEASE do not COLOR them in to "appear" so. Because THIS is how ridiculous it looks:
So Stop. Just stop.
Because I am really starting to worry about the future generations... Case and POINT
THIS girl is receiving compliments on her brows?!
YES, I understand that I do not have the best brows ever. Would it hurt me to shade them in a bit when I do my makeup? Probably not. But at least I try my best to keep them groomed and as close to the same shape as possible. Keeping in mind that eyebrows are more like sisters than twins.
If you walk away from reading this blog and can only remember one thing (please don't let it be the hot dog Ariel), let it be THIS:
Don't let ANYONE with bad eyebrows tell you SHIT about life!
Oh, and for the heck of it, here are some celebrities without their eyebrows
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