Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Thursday, we like you because you sit next to Friday"

Ohhhhh, I remember what it was like to wait all week for my favorite "F" word happen to me--- Friday, you gutter brains!



Now as a Mombie, I NEVER know what day of the week it is. It's like our house is its own little vortex where we lose all sense of time and communication with the real world; where the transition from one day to the next is a blur and I’m just happy at the end of the day that I got us all through alive and with no broken bones- most of the time. On the rare occasion that I do need to step outside for a quick second (I definitely do not look in the mirror beforehand. ICK.), the sun hits me with the heat of a million fires and my eyes feel like they’re going to burn out of my head.

Sometimes my dad will call me and ask, “Everything okay over there? I haven’t heard from you guys in awhile.” And I’ll be like, “dad, I saw you yesterday.” And he will say, “Kailei, I haven’t been over in a week”. That’s when the confusion sinks in. What time is it!? What day is it?!  

So, clearly TGIF doesn’t hold as much joy for me as it once did. A Friday means just as much to me as a Monday. If I were to see myself now 2 years ago, I wouldn’t know me. I lived for the weekend. But since that isn’t the case anymore, I decided to see what other definitions I could find on the internet to maybe suit my new life better:

-        Testicles Get Itchy Fast (I mean, I’m sure if I asked around, a few guys might back this up buuuuut it doesn't quite apply to me)

-        Three Girls Instead of Five (uhhhh…?)

-        Thank God I Farted (this one seems to suit my life a little more than the original meaning)

-        Thank God I’m forgiven

-        Thank God I’m a Girl (is the person who created this one crazy?!)

-        That Girl Is Freaky (now things are starting to get interesting!)

And lastly


Which is obviously the one that applies to us mombies!


But let me let you in on a little secret, losing track of time isn’t always a bad thing, I mean, every day could be “Friday”.  “What do you mean its only 8am on a Tuesday? I could have sworn it was 5 on a Friday! Well, I've already poured myself a drink and there's no point in wasting it now.....”
If there's one thing I want you Mombies to take away from this post is this: ALWAYS blame it on the "Mom Brain".

It works better than pleading the fifth!

But the next time you're thinking of calling your frazzled BFF, the Mombie to the spawn of the Tasmanian devil, to tell her "THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!"
Think twice.  Because your oh, so joyful text just may be replied to with a

"Do you wanna see how hard I can punch?"

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