Friday, July 31, 2015

This salad tastes like I'd rather be fat

Ya’ll are so concerned about getting ready for summer: Getting your fingers and toe nails buffed and polished, scheduling an appointment with your stylist to get that flawless summer color; Eating bland, green foods to ensure that you'll be able to fit into that perfect bathing suit, achieving the perfect summer body and shaving your legs in preparation for the beach. But my question is: Why are we all so wrapped up in prepping our bodies for the summer when our winter bodies are just as, if not more, important?! I mean, sure, taking a road trip with the girls and jamming out to “all the single ladies” with such enthusiasm that Beyonce becomes the backup singer is all good and fun when the sun is shining and your hair is blowing in the wind.
 But are all those single ladies, that gorgeous bikini body and those bald legs going to be there to keep you warm in say, January, when you haven’t seen the sun in what seems like ages and you’re outside shoveling the never ending pile of snow from your driveway while listening to Eric Carmen’s “All By Myself” on repeat? NO. Didn’t think so.

So while you’re all busy wasting your time on your summertime sadness food (hey, Lana Del Ray said it, not me), let me tell you the 12 reasons that I can’t diet on a yearly basis.

January: “I can’t diet this month. I’ll freeze to death without my fluff to keep me warm.”

February: “I can’t diet this month because it would be rude to not eat every bite of chocolate that I get from all of my secret admirers."
this is you------>
This is also when you'll start working on your hot bod and then I'll  show how much I support you and how great of a friend I am by baking you something that you love.
  March: “I can’t diet this month because March is depressing, therefore, I need comfort food.”

  (Always say "yes" to Taco Bell)

April: “I can’t diet this month because I have to pretend that I have kids who are participating in local Easter egg hunt. I Need to be able to hop in on the action and grab myself some free goods and who would believe me if I didn’t have the voluptuous shape of a ‘Mom Bod’? (I realize not all Moms have the Mom Bod and don't worry, the rest of us hate you for it.)  And since I never half ass anything, I can't just stuff my shirt. It's all or nothing, baby."

May: “I can’t diet this month, because it’s already too late to get my body bikini ready. I mean, I tried working out once, but I didn't seem to get any results. Plus, I think I was allergic. I was sweating, my heart rate was elevated, my cheeks were flush and could barely breathe.

June: “I can’t diet this month- it’s my birthday (sorry, but you’re going to have to come up with your own reason for June.)  so, booze. Booze. BOOZE.”

July: “I can’t diet this month. There are too many BBQ’s/ open houses and those plates are heavy, so I need the extra carbs to ensure that I’ll be able to lift them. Don't worry, I double fist to keep my arm muscles even.”

August: “I can’t diet this month. I need all of the extra sugar that the elephant ears provide to ensure that I don’t collapse from the heat while walking around at all of the summer festivals and concerts.”

September: “I can’t diet this month because of who I am as a person, also, I start growing out my leg hair during this month. That takes a lot of nutrition, dedication and hard work, so I need the all of the extra calories I can get.”

October: “I can’t diet this month. I have to start working on my winter body. Thank youuuu, Halloween candy!”

November: “I can’t diet this month. It’s Thanksgiving and I wouldn't want to hurt my Granny's feelings so I sacrifice myself and throw myself at all of that horribly unhealthy food. Sometimes I even use a plate.

December: “I can’t diet this month. It’s too colddd and but I've decided to eat a salad. Recipe is as follows:
Step 1: Substitute salad for pizza.
Step 2: Add beverage of choice and enjoy!

 But hey, have fun sitting there being a skinny betch, eating your green foods and being sad because I’ll have no issue finishing off this jar of nutella with a spoon…… by myself.  In front of you. 
And if all else fails.....
 But best of luck on your weight becoming as low as your self-esteem 😘

Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Thursday, we like you because you sit next to Friday"

Ohhhhh, I remember what it was like to wait all week for my favorite "F" word happen to me--- Friday, you gutter brains!



Now as a Mombie, I NEVER know what day of the week it is. It's like our house is its own little vortex where we lose all sense of time and communication with the real world; where the transition from one day to the next is a blur and I’m just happy at the end of the day that I got us all through alive and with no broken bones- most of the time. On the rare occasion that I do need to step outside for a quick second (I definitely do not look in the mirror beforehand. ICK.), the sun hits me with the heat of a million fires and my eyes feel like they’re going to burn out of my head.

Sometimes my dad will call me and ask, “Everything okay over there? I haven’t heard from you guys in awhile.” And I’ll be like, “dad, I saw you yesterday.” And he will say, “Kailei, I haven’t been over in a week”. That’s when the confusion sinks in. What time is it!? What day is it?!  

So, clearly TGIF doesn’t hold as much joy for me as it once did. A Friday means just as much to me as a Monday. If I were to see myself now 2 years ago, I wouldn’t know me. I lived for the weekend. But since that isn’t the case anymore, I decided to see what other definitions I could find on the internet to maybe suit my new life better:

-        Testicles Get Itchy Fast (I mean, I’m sure if I asked around, a few guys might back this up buuuuut it doesn't quite apply to me)

-        Three Girls Instead of Five (uhhhh…?)

-        Thank God I Farted (this one seems to suit my life a little more than the original meaning)

-        Thank God I’m forgiven

-        Thank God I’m a Girl (is the person who created this one crazy?!)

-        That Girl Is Freaky (now things are starting to get interesting!)

And lastly


Which is obviously the one that applies to us mombies!


But let me let you in on a little secret, losing track of time isn’t always a bad thing, I mean, every day could be “Friday”.  “What do you mean its only 8am on a Tuesday? I could have sworn it was 5 on a Friday! Well, I've already poured myself a drink and there's no point in wasting it now.....”
If there's one thing I want you Mombies to take away from this post is this: ALWAYS blame it on the "Mom Brain".

It works better than pleading the fifth!

But the next time you're thinking of calling your frazzled BFF, the Mombie to the spawn of the Tasmanian devil, to tell her "THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!"
Think twice.  Because your oh, so joyful text just may be replied to with a

"Do you wanna see how hard I can punch?"

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Where to begin when theres so much to say?!


I am SUPER excited about this blog, about meeting all of you, about the crafts, the ideas, the stories, and most importantly, the opportunity to BE REAL with all of you. YES, I am a mom. YES, I am going to be posting mommy related things. BUT this blog isn’t JUST for moms! I want this blog to encompass all types of women. You like to do crafts? So do I! You like to take on DIY projects? So do I! You like to drink wine and watch horrible reality tv? So do I! How about make your own cosmetics or house hold products? So do I!

I don’t want this to be your typical blog where each sentence is carefully thought out. Where ladies always talk about how wonderful their children are and how amazing it is to be a mommy. Because while we all think that, there are times when you just want to lock yourself in a closet with a tub of ice cream and your laptop to spend the next few blissful moments of peace indulging in your guilty pleasure.  Personally, mine is celebrity gossip ((Did you hear about Kourtney and Scott’s Split?!) Until the munchkins discover you, and you know they will, because they always do (why can they always seem to find you, no matter how clever the hiding spot is, but yet they cant seem to locate their missing shoe or sippy cup that is right in front of them?!). And then it’s back to the chaos. I’ll admit it, I live for those rare days when my children nap at the same time!

I am NOT one of those moms who have time in their day to exercise and eat well and to have perfectly painted nails. Heck, I’m feeling lucky if I can get 2 showers in one week! And I’ll bet some of you are saying, “gross!” (and I’m willing to bet that most of you who are saying that probably do not have kids yet), but hey, it’s the small things in life. I mean half of the time I forget to even feed me, because if it isn’t one kid needing something, it’s the other. It’s like they can sense when you’re about to do something for yourself. Like when you almost have that first bite of food, that you’ve wanted for hours, almost to your lips, when you hear, “MOM! I want some!” and in a blink of an eye your plate is empty… and so is your stomach, I might add. Not to mention, I don’t think I’ve peed a single time without at least one pair of eyes watching me since my son was born. Welcome to being a mom.

 I guess this is the point where I introduce myself.

My name is Kailei W. I am 26 (oh my lawrdy, when did that happen?!), I am the second oldest of 8 children (5 girls and 3 boys), I have 5 nieces; I am a recently divorced mother to 2 beautiful children- Daegan James (May 2014) and Wren Alizabeth (April 2015).  Their father (J) lives in another state, so he helps out as much as he can from a distance but for the day to day things it’s just us, the Three Musketeers. J has given me the luxury of being able to be a stay at home mom until my little one is 6 months old. I love junk food, Instagram, Pinterest, junk reality TV, Norah Jones, Netflix, bad jokes, and family, of course.  I am in no way a saint, I swear, I indulge in a drink every now and then and I have no filter. I have no fashion sense and I am socially awkward. There’s a lot more to tell, but why would I want to give up all of the good stuff at the beginning? ;)

While this blog will have posts about me and the daily on goings with my kids, it’s going to include so much more than that- DIY projects, pinterest attempts (fails and successes), the funny unfiltered stories that happen in my house, product comparisons (because we all know that I'm a tightwad and am always looking for a cheaper way to do things), but mainly the things that most moms don't talk about. It will just be REAL. ther. Im going to be talking about that time my kid pooped in his hand and smeared it down my walls. And I cannot wait to get started!


am always looking for topics, questions, projects and things that are important to you to feature on this blog. So PLEASE feel free to email me (if you’d like to remain anonymous) or post in the comments your ideas!


And for now, I shall leave you with a little sneak peek into my life.
Video property of  Vintage Marquee Lights on Youtube